The Leader
Hazrat Al-Hafiz Pir Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasanat Shah
Hazrat Pir Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasanat Shah is the spiritual successor and the eldest son of Hazrat Pir Muhammad Karam Shah (RA). He was born in 1952 in Bhera. As usual he started his early education from the Holy Quran. Along with getting benefit from the grand cradle of training, he achieved the religious education from Daral-Uloom Bhera. He completed the review in the Hadith from the Jamia Qamar-ul-Islam Karachi and achieved the Islamic Law and Specialization in Justice from the great educational institution of the Muslim World "Jamia Umm-ul-Qura" Makkah.
In 1980, he took charge as the Chief Editor of the Monthly "Zia-e-Haram and started performing the journalism responsibilities.
In 1986, he joined Daral-Uloom Bhera in the administrative and teaching work.
He executed the praiseworthy services in the finalization of the Prophet-hood movement, enforcement of the Mustafavi system movement and judiciary reinstatement Movement.
Pir Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasanat Shah is striving hard for the glory of teachings of Islam and to manifest the peaceful identity of Islam in Pakistan and all over the world.
After the death of Hazrat Pir Muhammad Karam Shah (RA) in 1998, Pir Amin-ul-Hasanat Shah is fulfilling all the responsibilities which his father, Zia-ul-Ummah determined for him. On the same track of Hazrat Zia-ul-Ummah, Pir Hasanat Shah is introducing new educational directions in Daral-Uloom Bhera. Hazrat Pir Hasanat Shah is a Successor of the Shrine Hazrat Ameer-us Salekeen and the Principal of Daral-Uloom Muhammadia Ghousia Bhera, besides this work, he is also performing the following supplementary responsibilities;
1- Chairman, Zia-ul-Quran Publications
2- Chief Editor, Mahnama "Zia-e-Haram"
3- Chairman, Anjuman Taleem-ul-Muslimeen
4- Chairman, Zia-ul-Ummah Foundation
5- Chairman, Al-Karam Welfare Fund
6- Member, Dahwa Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
7- Head of the different International Welfare Organizations
8- Principal, Ghousia Girls College Bhera.
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