(1980 to 1957)
It is a reality that whenever the Muslims declined on social, economic, cultural, political, academic and ideological grounds, the saints and mystics came forward to take the Muslims out from this bad situation. The spiritual and the scholarly services of these self-righteous and pious luminaries have a long series.
Muslim Hero, Hazrat Pir Muhammad Shah (RA) is a beam of this saintly line. His father Hazrat Ameer-us-Salekeen Pir Muhammad Ameer Shah (RA) died on December 6, 1927. After the death of his father, Hazrat Pir Muhammad Shah (RA) accessed to the throne of his father. Pir Muhammad Shah (RA) accommodated this responsibility up to 1957.
During this whole period, Pir Muhammad Shah (RA) worked extremely hard for the glory and prosperity of Islam. Let's have a look on his memorable work:.
1. Method of Instruction & Training at Shrine
Pir Muhammad Shah (RA) struggled hard throughout his life to train and improve the religious condition of the people. To perform this important duty he expressed an extremely encouraging behavior. He himself acted upon the commandments of Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) firmly and instructed all the followers to act upon the teachings of Islam. He constructed rooms associated with the Mosque for the way-farers. The recital and the counsel sittings were arranged for the spiritual training and purification of the minds.
2. Renaissance Movement (Movement of Revival of Knowledge)
Pir Muhammad Shah (RA) had a strong desire to educate the Muslim children so that they can understand their duties and rights. While his father was alive, Pir Muhammad (RA) got permission from his father in 1925 and established Daral-Uloom Muhammadia adjoined with the Shrine. Services of excellent teachers from all over the country had been obtained and made arrangements to teach the intellectual and traditional fields of the knowledge.
3. Muhammadia Ghousia (Imdadia) Primary School
Pir Muhammad (RA) started Muhammadia Ghousia Primary Schools and education was provided free of cost in this school. Children were provided free books and small boards to write. Excellent and competent teachers were arranged for teaching; as a result, the most talented and intellectual individuals have been produced from this school. They played the decisive role in the prosperity and success of Muslim Ummah.
4. Social Services
Pir Muhammad (RA) was very sensitive for the social reforms. He instructed the Muslims to save themselves from the useless traditions and habits.
In this regard, he established an organization named "Jundullah" and started the work to improve the state of the Muslim Society.
5. Aims & Objectives of "Jundullah" Organization
- To create spirit of work in the Muslims for the social, economic, cultural and the religious reforms in the Muslim Society.
- Propagation, publication and the preservation of Islam.
- Establishment of religious institutions for teaching.
- Preaching of Islam by sittings and public meetings.
- Formation of committees to bring reforms in the society.
- Economic assistance of the Muslims.
- Motivation for the Muslims towards education and business to stop the monopoly of the Hindus.
6. Role in the Movement of Pakistan
Muslim Hero, Hazrat Pir Muhammad (RA) was among those prominent personalities who worked for the existence of Pakistan from the platform of the Muslim League.
Pir Muhammad (RA) launched a successful campaign to save the Muslims of Punjab from the wickedness of the most effective party "Unionist". As a result of his day and night struggle; Allah gave an apparent success to the Muslim League.
7. Civil Disobedience Movement
In 1946, Muslim League launched the Civil Disobedience Movement. The imprisonment presenting series started and from Bhera Pir Muhammad (RA) was in the front line with all his followers and colleagues. He (RA) presented the imprisonment with all his colleagues and followers. By seeing the rage and fury of the general public, the government released him on the next day. After this incident, the enthusiasm for the independence reached its peak. At last, the desired destination came to the nearest stage and exactly at 12 O' clock on 14th August 1947; Pakistan came into its existence. Flag of the Pakistan was fluttered on the middle minaret of the mosque of the Shrine Ameer-us-Salekeen.
After the existence of Pakistan, the restoration and the settlement stage of the refugees started. Pir Muhammad (RA) and his colleagues used all their resources for the rehabilitation of the empty handed refugees coming from Hindustan. Pir Muhammad (RA) and his colleagues performed a vital role in the resettlement process of the refugees.
When the Indian Army attacked on Kashmir, Pir Muhammad (RA) reached in Kashmir with his soldiers and fought against the Indian aggression at the place of "Bole Venus Bajra Garhie". He stayed over their about three months and kept displaying a great valor to soldiers. In the return of his enthusiasm, faith and the passion for freedom fight, Pakistan army presented him a certificate of the bravery and the spirit of sacrifice. Pir Muhammad (RA) was attributed in this certificate in the following words;
"I am feeling proud to introducing Pir Muhammad (RA), the Shrine Superior and the Commander of "Jundullah" Bhera; he worked with his fifty soldiers for about 3 months in my sector, he is a true patriot and a great torch-bearer for all of us. I wish to have more soldiers like him in our hereditary estate"
I J Kiani
Azad Kashmir Forces
Moreover, he worked extremely hard in the relief work for the Kashmiri brothers and in the recognition of his struggle in relief work, Hero of the Freedom Fight, Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim wrote him a letter of thanks.
Pir Muhammad (RA) died on March 26, 1957 but his lighted lamp "Daral-Uloom Muhammadia Ghousia" is spreading the light of knowledge and wisdom all over the world.
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